What Rhodo is that?

The genus or group of plants known as rhododendrons (from Greek, meaning “rosetree”) includes about 1000 species worldwide, including all the vireyas and azaleas. We grow over 500 of these species in our Garden. This Catalogue lists some of the Rhododendron species and hybrids found in our Garden. Our hybrids have been cultivated by several generations of Rhododendron lovers and are unique to the Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden.

To ask about specific plants or rhododendrons which may be available for sale, please send an email to our Horticulturist. Currently we do not have the ability to post any plants beyond Tasmania’s borders. Stock levels and varieties vary seasonally.

Did you know?

Azaleas are but one group of Rhododendrons. Apart from the better known Indica or Kurume hybrids, there are many other types, including the exquisite Deciduous Azaleas with brilliant gold and orange tones and beautiful perfume.

Vireya Rhododendrons are plants of tropical origin with quite vivid colours that will grow quite successfully in areas where frosts can be avoided. These beautiful plants need frequent watering and perfect drainage, but can reward the grower with flowers to 2 or 3 times per year. Give them plenty of sun.

There are many more unusual Rhododendrons species. These range from prostrate plants with tiny flowers to huge trees which may reach 30 metres at maturity, with huge trusses of flowers like fluted goblets. There are also many different leaf forms which can enhance the garden at times when there are no flowers.

Many Rhododendrons are perfumed. These include the Deciduous Azaleas, Vireyas, Lepidotes, and many of the species.


Growing Rhododendrons